Mercy's Page

Here are all my socials and things i have done!
My pronouns are They/Them.
PFP: Made by Sweevanna

I love managing vod channels, thats mainly my entire thing and no, i dont do this alone.

VOD channels that i create thumbnail borders for in colleboration (i do not manage)

These are my other socials, i have not anything else that isnt listed here, if theres any other account it probs is not me lmao.If you see someone pretending to be me please report it, i do NOT have any other accounts then those listed here

My boundaries are very important so please do read.

Likes: Philza Minecraft related things, Youtube documentaries, VOD channel managing, Video Editing, Video games.Clarifications about
The vod channels: I do not get payed for any vod channel that i help out with or run, please do not assume i make money of them either, i can proof that i am not
My chatting: Do not assume i care about chat stats
My sleep schedule: Please do not tell me to go to bed, im an adult
Do not interact (DNI) list: Dream team stans, Wilbur Soot stans, Lovejoy stans, Illumina stans, Israel supporters, Anything ANTI LGBTQI+ related, Racists, Genocide supporters, Toxic fans.My own other boundaries
-Please do not make heavy fun of my spelling mistakes, i have dyslexia.
-Please use tone tags with me as much as possible, i cant always tell the tone of messages.
-Please do NOT tell me what to do, i am an adult and as much as i struggle, you are not my parent.
-Do not tell me how to run my vod channels, i have friends that help me out with advice anyways.
-If you have a problem with me, PLEASE dm me about it so we can fix it, i don't like those talking behind my back at all.
-Please dont impersonate me with an alt account
-Do not dm me asking if i can contact phil for you, im dead serious.
-Do not ever break ccs boundaries, if you do, i will block you within an instant.
-Please do not be super mean to me if i answer a question, im just trying to help out.
-Do not think im hiding vods, i do not have any vods from philza besides the ones displayed on his twitch page (Exception being the monopoly vod which i asked approval for)
-If you have a vod i do not have, please dont give it to me and dont reupload it yourself, Philza has stated that he doesnt want old vods to be reuploaded, please respect his wishes.